Scanning suddenly stopped working after Windows update
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Manfred Kowalewski
2010-02-15 19:06:08 UTC
Dear helpers!

For several months I use Windows 7 and my scanner Canon CanoScan 4400F
was installed successfully using the latest drivers. Everything worked.

I called the Twain driver from a Photoshop under "Import" and it
appeared the wonderful "Scangear" with which I could use all the
possibilities of the scanner (including negatives and slide scans).

For about a week now I have now been scanned many old negatives and was
very pleased.

This has been working until yesterday. But now, suddenly, not anymore!

The Twain entries in the Import menu are gone. I can only scan through
WIA. But this does not support slide and negative scanning wich I have
too use!

My guess is that a Windows update caused this. There is also a restore
point. But that does not help me at all as the System Restore does not
work! It says that it did not work, because there would be an antivirus
program. I've turned that off and it still does not work with the

Of course I uninstalled and then reinstalled the Twain driver. But the
Twain entries did not reappear.

I gave me the rights - even without success - and full access to the
Canon Registriy entries and the Canon programm folder.

As you can see, I am quite in despair! Somebody has an idea for me?

Raymond Daley
2010-02-17 13:08:38 UTC
Try a full uninstall, reboot & reinstall. Do your uninstall from Add/remove
If its fully off your system just reinstall as you did when it was brand
new. Hence doing the the reboot to make sure.

Hope that helps.
