2016-04-28 08:53:20 UTC
Cross posting to:, alt.comp.periphs.scanner
For 35mm and medium format, the scanner is set up to properly auto-crop
but to scan other types of film, though it can do it you will need to
scan with the auto-crop feature turned off, the crop manually.
If you have just a few rolls, that should not be a big deal
If you have hundreds, that might be a problem
Depending on the software i would try to treat each 110 strip as one
picture and crop them afterwards. They are soo small. If there is a
problem to store crops in presets of the software you're using then I
would recommend that you download Vuescan and try it out. It's a free
download and works unlicensed with watermarks.
Macbook Pro with OS X El Capitan on Epson Perfection v600
I am struggling with scanning odd sizes of old film. I love the Epson v600
scanner. Sometimes it is amazingly intelligent, but other times it is
totally unpredictable and uncontrollable.
For example i am having trouble with the old Kodak 110mm film from the
What is a good forum or help group to ask questions about Epson scanning?
You left that part blank but I can probably help you as I have the sameI am struggling with scanning odd sizes of old film. I love the Epson v600
scanner. Sometimes it is amazingly intelligent, but other times it is
totally unpredictable and uncontrollable.
For example i am having trouble with the old Kodak 110mm film from the
What is a good forum or help group to ask questions about Epson scanning?
For 35mm and medium format, the scanner is set up to properly auto-crop
but to scan other types of film, though it can do it you will need to
scan with the auto-crop feature turned off, the crop manually.
If you have just a few rolls, that should not be a big deal
If you have hundreds, that might be a problem
picture and crop them afterwards. They are soo small. If there is a
problem to store crops in presets of the software you're using then I
would recommend that you download Vuescan and try it out. It's a free
download and works unlicensed with watermarks.
teleportation kills
teleportation kills